I have been doing nose sculpture for thirty years. During this period, I accumulated tremendous experiences with the management of the plastic nose. I made thousands of primary nose. Hundreds of patients contacted me to correct past operations. Therefore, the time has come to talk about how to avoid failed nose sculpture and why it usually happens.
Problems after failed nose plasticity.
Let's start with the most important thing. If you come to the clinic with experienced doctors and a big name, most of the post -nasal problems should be avoided. If you decide to save a lot and get to the clinic where cars are repaired through the wall, you should worry. The main consequences of failed nose plasticity are related to the following moments:
Examples of consequences after failed nose sculpture
Aesthetic consequences
- Do not heal the seams. This is due to the unique characteristics of the body. If you know you have a slow tissue regeneration process, it is better to inform the surgeon about it
- Edema does not leave. Here, there may be a reason for both individual characteristics and surgeon skills. Another "Factor X" is anesthesia. You can read more about this in the article.
- Too small nose. The reason for this is that the surgeon has removed too much tissue. But sometimes due to the fact that expectations do not meet the bets
- Too weak. Most often, this is a psychological problem after nose plastic. When the patient thought he would change drastically after the nasal plasticity, and eventually the aesthetic corrections simply made a beautiful nose. And the whole patient was not made beautiful.
- You can see that the nose is "ready". I also write this aesthetic problem for the results of failed nose plastic. Because after plastic surgery, the patient should wear a natural nose, not a baby.
Functional consequences of unsuccessful nose plastic
- Difficult breathing. Such a problem is rarely occurring, more often before the operation, but still carefully monitoring breathing.
- Pain. I will not disclose this question, everything is clear here.
- Odor loss. If you no longer smell your scent as if it were sinusitis.
Is computer modeling help you avoid failed nose sculpture?
Computer modeling is a marketing step. The patient can be seen on the nose screen that he wants to see. The patient then agrees to the operation. But there is a thousand unknown nose plastic unknown in the equation. How the skin behaves, the anatomy of cartilage tissues, how capillaries respond to influence. It is impossible to predict this outside the operating board. You may assume that you cannot simulate your nose.
What is the restoration of the nose to be considered normal?
I think it's normal to remove the spells the next day and shoot a gypsum on the fifth day. With a certain makeup, you can get into work in 8-10 days. Read more about my methods and my thirty years of experience in the nose of the nose in other articles.
When do you contact your doctor after failed nose sculpture?
In the first two weeks, the doctor is better off doing everything that is incomprehensible. If you have pain, the seams will heal incorrectly - contact the surgeon urgently urgently. But healing after the plastic of the nose is very long. Therefore, the repeated operation is at the earliest than a year later. The tissues should perform the desired shape, healing, and the patient should get used to the new nose.
How can I repair the failed nose sculpture?
Find out that the nose of the nose was unsuccessful, the patient was not earlier than six months later. During this time the recovery period takes place and the patient fulfills the doctor's recommendations
Repair Methods Nasal Plastic:
- A repeated nose plastic can be done with a plastic surgeon. Can be executed and open. But it is most often done by an open method. After all, the doctor's capabilities are limited if the skin, cartilage, bone tissue is incomplete.
- It is possible to make a correction that takes up to half an hour. During the repair, the surgeon carefully brings the form to the desired level. After repair healing is very fast.
- Repair with fillers or contour plastic. The procedure allows you to remove the hump, the necessary angle, to reach symmetry, to tighten the nasal tip, and get rid of minor errors. Over time, it has aesthetic effects. Keeps the result from one month to two years
And the patient himself is able to provoke failed nasal shit?
Yes, if you do not follow the specialist's recommendations. They don't have much than they seem. And I do my best to make the restoration easily and comfortably. But there is still a list of recommendations.
- He denies sport for two months. Because a new nose needs to "glue" its tissues in a relaxed mode.
- Do not smoke two weeks before the nose plastic and two weeks. Well, or at least reduce the smoked cigarette number by 50%. Because cigarettes are narrow vessels and scars regeneration much slower.
Do not smoke two weeks before the nose plastic and two weeks. Well, or at least reduce the smoked cigarette number by 50%. Because cigarettes are narrow vessels and scars regeneration much slower.
Failed nose sculpture. Conclusions.
During the curtain of the article, I want to say that they are not afraid despite the terrible stories described above. It is important to choose your surgeon, trust him to succeed in the plasticity of the nose, and be prepared for life with a new nose. But if you are afraid to tremble. If you have a cold sweat with one of the thoughts of nose plastic, think it's too early to do this. Because the operation is at least two team members. Both the surgeon and the sick. Thank you for reading this article.